New York

A New Yorker’s Year Round Guide to the Big Apple
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A New Yorker’s Year Round Guide to the Big Apple

Your guide to the best and worst things to do in New York during all four seasons of the year…according to a local. By, Contributing Writer, Gilad Gamliel the author of Anxious & Abroad As a born and bred New Yorker, one of my absolute favorite things about NYC is its seasons. We don’t have…

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Incredible fishing and camping adventures…in the state of New York?!?

By Iben Ayad, Founder of Outdoor Times When people think of New York many automatically think of skyscrapers and crowded city streets. There is a lot more to New York including some of the most beautiful and wide open spaces. That is the very reason why so many visit this states many campgrounds each year…

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Italian Wine Merchants Redux: Wine Tasting New York City

Our frequent readers (thank you!) may recall a post I did last year about a trip to New York City that included a stop at Italian Wine Merchants (IWM). I was on a hunt for a New York City wine tasting and much to my disappointment, I didn’t quite get it. Well, my snarky and punchy post did generate a response…


New York City: A Trip to Italian Wine Merchants

Next stop on the Playing Italy Train: NYC for wine tasting at Italian Wine Merchants.I read Sergio Esposito’s Passion on the Vine over the New Year’s holiday in 2010/11, finishing the book in two days. I was enamored with the lifestyle, the food and of course the wine. With every page, I could almost smell and taste…