traveling with kids


Four Great Reasons To Travel Internationally With Your Kids

By Chris Price, Contributing Writer When it comes to traveling, many couples would rather leave the kids at home than drag them along for the ride. There are some pretty good reasons to leave children with grandparents or other trusted family members or friends when traveling. These include reduced expenses and some nice alone time…

Things to do in Denver with Kids (and without): GameWorks

Things to do in Denver with Kids (and without): GameWorks

It’s summer and we’re back in Colorado for the next few months. As the summer temperatures continue to rise, finding activities to beat the heat is key. Yes, the pool, white water rafting, paddle boarding and escaping to the high country top my list but they’re not always do-able, especially on a Thursday afternoon. Enter…

Arts in the Open - a great family event at
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Theatre Hikes at Chautauqua Park Boulder

This post has been updated since its original posting on August, 2014. Do you like to hike? What about see live theatre performances? Did you know you can do both at the same time? Arts in the Open, formally known as Colorado Theatre-Hikes combines the two – an outdoor hike with amazing views paired with…

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Hiking with Kids: Top Steamboat Springs Hiking Trails

Winter in Steamboat Springs, Colorado may be filled with skiing, sleigh rides, sledding and snowmobiling but summer has even more activities to offer. Hot Springs. Rafting. Camping. Biking. Hiking. And more… Given that hiking tops our list of family summer activities in Colorado I’ve rounded up seven easy Steamboat Springs hiking trails that are perfect…

Best Family Friendly Hiking in Breckenridge
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Family Friendly (aka EASY) Hiking in Breckenridge, Colorado

While Breckenridge might be known more for its winter sports, visiting in the summer is a must and hiking in Breckenridge is an absolute. There are hundreds of hiking trails in Breckenridge, from “easy” to “moderate” to “hard” to “crazy hard” to “what the heck are you thinking”. Since we are barely able to do…

Tips for traveling with food allergies
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Have Food Allergies. Will Travel: Tips for Traveling with Food Allergies

It was a quick stop into Panera Bread, a turkey sandwich for me, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Princess One. Three bites into her PB&J my then three-year-old began screaming. Not the tantrum type of screams but the blood curdling, something is seriously wrong kind of scream. That was the day we…

12 Tips for a Stress Free Family Vacatin
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12 Tips for a Stress Free Family Vacation

Ok, having a stress free family vacation might be a stretch but reducing the stress is definitely possible. I’ve made my share of rookie mistakes when traveling with my kids but I’ve learned a lot along the way. Things that have helped make traveling easier and allow for an almost stress free family vacation. I…

Grand Adventures Snowmobiling Tours: snowmobiling along the spine of continental divide
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Snowmobiling Along the Spine of the Continental Divide

Thirty-five miles an hour never felt faster…or colder. Racing up hill on the back of the snowmobile to catch-up with the group brought tears to my eyes. Not because I was scared or sad we were behind, but the mountain wind was slapping my face with its massive force. I held on and leaned right,…

25 travel hacks every parents should know and use
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25 Travel Hacks Every Parent Should Know (& use)

How do you pack for two kids and yourself in one carry-on? And should you take a stroller and a car seat? Traveling with kids can be hard. Ok, it can be exhausting and expensive but, it’s worth it…especially when you have a few travel hacks up your sleeve. Over the last six years I’ve…

things to do in steamboat springs besides skiing
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11 Things to do in Steamboat Springs…Besides Skiing

There’s more to Steamboat Springs than being a winter destination for skiing, although that is a top activity on my list… But activities thrive year round and you only need to take stock in order to see all the things there are to experience in Steamboat Springs. Following is a list of the top things…

YMCA of the Rockies
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Check-In: YMCA of the Rockies Estes Park Center

When I think of the YMCA, I tend to think of Carolina, my spin instructor who likes to push me to my limits every week. I have never thought of the YMCA as a vacation destination, until now… Living in Denver, I’ve made my way to Estes Park on several occasions to hike, fish and…

Things to do in Beaumont TX: Gator Country
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Things to do in Beaumont TX: Gator Country

Imagine a teacher looking outside the window at the playground before recess to check the weather and instead of seeing cumulonimbus or cirrus clouds she sees an alligator. A REALLY BIG GATOR. Who’s she gonna call? Gator 911. Yes, it’s not a joke, there really is a Gator 911 and this really happened, or so…

summer music festivals with kids
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Best Family Friendly Music Festivals Around The World

By Marcela De Vivo, Contributing Writer The summer months play host to hundreds of music festivals, many of which make great family outings, with entertainment that’s enjoyable for kids and parents alike. While you might be tempted to assume that you would have to stay closer to home to find a family-friendly summer music festival,…

San Juan

Travel Inspiration: The more people who travel, the better the world is

My kids teach me a lot. Sometimes I think they teach me more than I will ever be able to teach them…especially when it comes to life. Children don’t filter themselves, their thoughts or what they loudly blurt out in a crowded airplane or elevator. They live life without filters and have this built-in tolerance…

unplug on vacation
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Vacation Unplugged: How to unplug and enjoy your vacation

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”  If you’re one of the ‘50% of U.S. travelers expected to leave unused vacation days on the table this year’ I’m talking to you. When I was working in an office for someone else and had two weeks of vacation to use, I used it….

travel to russia
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Proudest Travel Accomplishment: A scared little girl taught me we can conquer the world

I was recently asked what my proudest accomplishment was that I achieved while traveling. I had never really thought about that. My first thought, getting over my fears and just traveling. I mean, that’s pretty big, right? But when I stopped to really think about it there is one instance that has given me the…

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Headed West: A Little Gold, a Little Wine, a Fine Time

By Meredith Bagnulo This summer, my husband and I decided to visit his parents in Lincoln, California (near Sacramento). But instead of flying, we thought a road trip with our kids, ages 6 and 8, would be a most excellent adventure! We’ve only done one long family road trip before when our kids were much younger….