Family Vacation

YMCA of the Rockies
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Check-In: YMCA of the Rockies Estes Park Center

When I think of the YMCA, I tend to think of Carolina, my spin instructor who likes to push me to my limits every week. I have never thought of the YMCA as a vacation destination, until now… Living in Denver, I’ve made my way to Estes Park on several occasions to hike, fish and…

Things to do in Beaumont TX: Gator Country
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Things to do in Beaumont TX: Gator Country

Imagine a teacher looking outside the window at the playground before recess to check the weather and instead of seeing cumulonimbus or cirrus clouds she sees an alligator. A REALLY BIG GATOR. Who’s she gonna call? Gator 911. Yes, it’s not a joke, there really is a Gator 911 and this really happened, or so…

summer music festivals with kids
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Best Family Friendly Music Festivals Around The World

By Marcela De Vivo, Contributing Writer The summer months play host to hundreds of music festivals, many of which make great family outings, with entertainment that’s enjoyable for kids and parents alike. While you might be tempted to assume that you would have to stay closer to home to find a family-friendly summer music festival,…

unplug on vacation
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Vacation Unplugged: How to unplug and enjoy your vacation

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”  If you’re one of the ‘50% of U.S. travelers expected to leave unused vacation days on the table this year’ I’m talking to you. When I was working in an office for someone else and had two weeks of vacation to use, I used it….