Incorporating Wellness Travel Into Your Travels
Colorado is home to a multitude of wellness travel opportunities for visitors – and residents. Here are some not to miss.
Colorado is home to a multitude of wellness travel opportunities for visitors – and residents. Here are some not to miss.
Carpe Travel’s annual Inspirational Travel Quotes – one for each week of the year. Cheers!
Did you know today is the last day of Christmas? You know, those “12 Days of Christmas” we hear in all the marketing hype really begins on Christmas Day, not the 11 days before. (Click here for your history lesson. ) And so I have a question… So, this is Christmas, and what have you…
As we bid farewell to 2014 and welcome in the New Year, I wanted to pass along a few inspirational travel quotes. Ok, there’s more than a few, more like 53 – one inspirational travel quote for each week of the year. If you like these and want to stay inspired throughout 2015, make sure…
My kids teach me a lot. Sometimes I think they teach me more than I will ever be able to teach them…especially when it comes to life. Children don’t filter themselves, their thoughts or what they loudly blurt out in a crowded airplane or elevator. They live life without filters and have this built-in tolerance…
I was recently asked what my proudest accomplishment was that I achieved while traveling. I had never really thought about that. My first thought, getting over my fears and just traveling. I mean, that’s pretty big, right? But when I stopped to really think about it there is one instance that has given me the…