
The Fourth of July Photo Essay: Celebrating Independence Day

The Fourth of July Photo Essay: Celebrating Independence Day

The immigration officer stood up from his desk, waved us forward yelling, “NEXT!” The Husband handed him our two blue passports, a stack of papers and Princess Two’s red, Russian passport. The two blue passports were opened, checked and set aside. He turned to the red passport, it was opened and held with one hand…

Sometimes a Souvenir Can Be Much More Than Just a Souvenir

Sometimes a Souvenir Can Be Much More Than Just a Souvenir

It wasn’t just any courtroom. It was a Russian courtroom, in Chita, Siberia – The City of Exiles. The famed city in Russia where prominent intellectuals, including the Decembrist and many more were exiled. A “closed city” that foreigners and many Russian citizens weren’t allowed to visit until the collapse of the Soviet Union. I…

travel to russia
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Proudest Travel Accomplishment: A scared little girl taught me we can conquer the world

I was recently asked what my proudest accomplishment was that I achieved while traveling. I had never really thought about that. My first thought, getting over my fears and just traveling. I mean, that’s pretty big, right? But when I stopped to really think about it there is one instance that has given me the…