I’ve teamed up with Authentic Explorations to create a DREAM wine vacation! This trip to Sicily will be taking place October 25-November 1, 2025. The details are still being finalized and will be shared with those who signup on the interest list. Quick highlights…

  • We will be exploring the Sicilian wine country, sipping with winemakers while exploring their vines , learning about the islands ancient, colorful history and cuisine.
  • Indulging in Sicilian cuisine, which has incorporated dishes and ingredients from past conquerors from the Greeks to the Arabs to the Spanish. Think cooking classes and wine blending!
  • Sicily is home to a number of UNESCO World Heritage sites. We will go beyond the vines as well to explore some ancient sites while stretching our legs hiking along the stunning coast lines. Or, you can opt for quieter, spa services while overlooking the sea.

Sign up for the interest list to get all of the details of this trip.